Wednesday, August 26, 2009


What is mediocrity exactly you may ask. Well, it is everything normal people are and everything extraordinary people spend thier whole lives attempting to transcend with every ounce of their being. Painters, actors, politicians, comics, public speakers, scientists, doctors, lawyers, journalists, corporate go getters, and yes, writers. I have merely touched on the list of people who may or may not be included in the all too exclusive and seemingly unattainable realm of the enviable. The ones who have the life one might argue most wish, secretly or boisterously, were all their own.

I am not claiming any in this class are mediocre by any means, I merely like introducing myself with self-deprecating humor. Although I did keep all and any ribbons I won as a growing human male be it the delicious blue of first place or the odd pinkish tint of fifth place. Why? Because I won a ribbon god damnit. It was mine, I was the only fifth place pinkish ribbon holder for the three legged sack race and by god I was going to own that fact...forever.

So perhaps mediocrity is in the eye of the beholder, one person's fifth place might just be another persons pinkish ecstatic plane of enviable existence. I mean after all, I could have wound up with that ugly ass yellow ribbon the loser sixth place winner received.

Looking forward to class.
